Chief Minister, Ms Mehbooba Mufti has strongly condemned the militant attack on a CRPF vehicle near Pampore on Srinagar-Jammu highway in which several security forces personnel have lost their lives.
“The only purpose of such blood-spattered acts of violence is to add to the tragedies and miseries of the people and subvert the Government’s efforts aimed at bringing permanent peace and prosperity to Jammu and Kashmir,” the Chief Minister said in a statement.
Mehbooba said the elements inimical to interests of Jammu and Kashmir have always tried to derail the peace efforts and the latest militant strike at Pampore was again aimed at subverting the peace and development initiatives launched by the Government.
Mehbooba while expressing solidarity with the bereaved families of the security forces personnel prayed for early recovery of the injured including civilians.
“I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones in today’s dastardly militant attack,” she said and added that violence has not served any purpose in the past, nor is it going to do anything in future, except shedding precious human blood.