Delhi Police has arrested a serving Indian Army jawan from Darjeeling for alleged having connection with the ISI espionage racket in the country. Fareed, a head constable in Jammu and Kashmir light infantry, was arrested from Darjeeling today. This is the fifth arrest in the ISI-linked spy racket which was busted last week. On Saturday, Mohammad Sabir, alias Shabir, a teacher at a state-run school, was arrested from Rajouri district in Jammu. Shabir worked as a block level officer and was associated with the election cell at the tehsil complex in Rajouri. A Border Security Force (BSF) head constable and a Jammu and Kashmir resident were arrested on charges of leaking sensitive information to Pakistani spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) on November 30. Head constable Abdul Rasheed, who was posted with the intelligence wing of BSF in Jammu and Kashmir, had provided specific information about deployment of security forces and IAF operations to his handlers in Pakistan, reports said. The information was passed on to a senior ISI officer through email and smartphone applications such as WhatsApp and Viber. The other accused Kifaitullah Khan alias Master Raja belongs to Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district. Officials probing the case said Kifaitullah has contacts in different security agencies through whom he procured confidential information and supplies it across the border.