This year 827 Hajis have been selected from district Anantnag. The departure for Hajj-2016 shall start from 10th August, 2016. J&K State Hajj Committee has cleared the documentation process of 510 Hajis who shall depart on 10th, 11th and 12th of August, 2016.
The district administration has finalised the orientation course/ programme at Government Degree College Khanabal on 6th of August at 12:00 noon. All the Hajis of district Anantnag have been informed to attend the orientation course where they shall be detailed, among other things, about the date of their departure.
For facilitating the same, the district administration has constituted a helpline headed by Additional District Development Commissioner, Anantnag. Hajis may contact 9419029635,9419083518, 0193222337 for availing any information.