As per reports received from Kupwara and Bandipora district majority of schools especially in rural area opened since last few days with attendance from 35-40% and increasing. Chief Education Officer, Kaupwara in a statement said that most of the schools have opened and attendance is picking up as the school staff is making extra efforts to make up for the time lost during the unrest and prepare the students for forthcoming examinations. Private schools however have not opened in greater numbers. In village Awoora students and parents assembled making an appeal to the stakeholders for not disrupting the school functioning in village.
When contacted by INAK, Kupwara District Magistrate claimed that more than 90% schools are open however attendance was around 40% which is improving. A group of parents in Kupwara town expressed apprehension about safety of their children in schools and appealed to the management for not insisting on opening of schools. In Bandipora also the situation remained similar.