Hurriyat (M) chairman Mirwaiz Umar placed under house arrest at his Srinagar residence. Mirwaiz was supposed to address fourth day congregation of Zahid Rasool who died in Safder Jung Hospital after he was attacked early this month. Earlier JKLF chairman Yasin Malik was detained by police in soura locality when he tried to visit an injured in Soura medical institute. The boy was hit by a tear some shell in Bijbhera town early today morning. Meanwhile authorities have place Shabir Shah and other separatist leaders under house arrest as precautionary measure. Hurriyat (G) chairman syed Ali shah Geelani is already under house arrest. The condition of injured boy who was hit by a tear smoke shell is critical despite he was operated by a team of doctors at Soura medical institute. According to highly places sources security restrictions will be imposed in Anantnag, downtown, Masiuma and Lal chowk tomorrow.