ongoing operation in Udhampur district has been called off after an escaped militant was arrested alive by the security forces while all four people held hostage were released.MHA sources have confirmed that the arrested militant Kasim Khan aluas Usman belongs to Pakistani terror group LET.”Encounter triggered after a break between escaped militant who had held four civilians hostage but he was apprehended,” Danish Rana, IGP Jammu Zone said.
The militant reportedly was arrested by the members of Village Defence Committee.
He said all the hostage people have been set free while the arrested militant is being interrogated to ascertain details.
Meanwhile, the halted Amarnath yatra has been allowed to proceed towards the Valley.
According to sources, the militants had planned to strike the Amarnath Yatra and the Chenani-Nashri Tunnel in Udhampur. Earlier in the morning, two security personnel were killed while a militant was gunned down when terrorists attacked a BSF convoy on way from Jammu to Srinagar. “The BSF convoy was attacked this morning by the militants near Narsoo in Samroli area of Udhampur when they were heading towards Srinagar from Jammu,” police spokesperson here said.
He said the militants fired upon the convoy in which around 13 BSF jawans sustained injuries.
“The attack was retaliated, which triggered a gun battle,” he said adding that injured jawans were rushed to the Military Hospital while two of the injured BSF jawans succumbed at Chenani Hospital.
The spokesperson said one militant was gunned down and his body was also recovered from the encounter site.BSF Convoy left at 5:30am from Transit camp Jammu to Srinagar.