Prime Minister, Narendra Modi Wednesday held his monthly video conference under his Pro-active Governance and Timely Implementation (PRAGATI) initiative, with Union Secretaries of various Ministries and Chief Secretaries of States.
Chief Secretary J&K, Mr B R Sharma also participated in the video conference.
The Prime Minister in respect of J&K reviewed the progress on 330 MW Kishanganga Hydro Electric Project.
Chief Secretary briefed the Prime Minister on the various components of the Kishanganga HEP and its overall progress. He said out of the 382 Ha land, 379 Ha has already been acquired for the project and balanced 3 Ha will be acquired shortly.
Mr. Sharma informed the Prime Minister that 185 families are being affected due to the Project. He said a revised Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan for these project affected families shall be approved by the State Government shortly.
“Previous R&R Plan was unsustainable and a revised plan is being finalized for placing it before the State Cabinet for approval”, Chief Secretary said.
Prime Minister asked Union Ministry of Power to coordinate with the Jammu and Kashmir Government to expedite the completion of the Project including the R&R Plan so that the impounding process slated to be started in June 2016 is not delayed. He said he shall be reviewing the progress on the project in the next PRAGATI meeting also.
The 330 MW Kishanganga HEP is located in Bandipora district and envisages diversion of water of river Kishanganga from Gurez valley into an underground power house (with 3 units of 110MW each) near Bandipora and discharging the tail water into Wullar Lake