Terming public awareness as the key to the successful implementation of developmental schemes, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Syed Basharat Bukhari today highlighted the need for organizing public awareness camps in far flung areas. The Minister was speaking during his visit to the Public Information campaign at Uri. The Minister was accompanied by District Development Commissioner Yasha Mudgal and officers of Public Information Bureau.
While appreciating the role of Press information bureau Srinagar for conducting the awareness programme in the far flung area of Uri, Syed Bashart Bukhari made a mention of the fact the main agenda of the campaign should be to provide effective and proper information to the people residing in far flung areas. “ The awareness should be enhanced to ensure economic independence for the general public”, the Minster added. The Minister also highlighted the fact that such campaigns are inevitable as most of the people of the far flung areas are unaware about the various schemes of Rural Development, Social Welfare, Employment, animal husbandry, Fisheries, Agriculture and other departments.
Today was the second day of the Public Information campaign that is being organised by Press information Bureau Srinagar in collaboration with District Administration Baramulla at Mini-Stadium Uri. The schemes highlighted today include Mid-day meal scheme, RMSA, SSA and RTI. As many as 37 stalls of various departments have been placed at the disposal of general public during the Campaign. Moreover, resource persons have also been deputed by various departments that inform the general public about the various developmental schemes.
Earlier, Syed Basharat Bukhari minutely inspected all the stalls that have been placed in the campaign and interacted with the resource persons there. The Minister also interacted with the general public.
Meanwhile, various theme cultural programmes were presented by various cultural groups and School Children during the 2nd day of the Campaign. Songs and Dramas with focus upon the need for proper information were also organised.