Stressing for the speedy completion of the developmental projects taken in hand by the developmental authorities with proper consideration for the preservation of the natural heritage, the Secretary tourism Farooq Shah reminded the CEO’s of the main task for which these authorities were formed .The secretary desired that tourism sector should work with passion to implement the vision of the Chief Minister on ground to make Jammu and Kashmir as the best tourism destination in the country .Farooq Shah urged the CEO’s to harness the huge unexplored potential for tourism with due consideration and concern to preserve the environment . Farooq Shah clearly explained about his uncompromising administrative policies and warned that whoever doesn’t deliver should be ready to face the punishment under norms and will not be spared.
He stressed for the proper and relevant utilisation of allocated funds within a stipulated time frame and without any delay and dereliction .The CEO’s were made to give the presentation about the status of different works and future development and preservation plans .All CEO’s of development authorities ,executive engineers ,Director SKICC and other tourism officials were also present in the meeting .
Home Division Kashmir Secretary tourism Farooq Shah urged CEO’s to harness the huge potential for...