Chief Secretary, B R Sharma Monday reviewed the progress with respect to installation and use of Biometric Attendance System (BAS) in all Government offices to ensure punctuality, accountability and transparency in their daily functioning.
Chief Secretary was informed that all departments in the Civil Secretariat have started the BAS implementation and all registered employees are marking their attendance on the Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS).
Chief Secretary described AEBAS as a ‘performance enabling tool’ and stressed on administrative Secretaries to ensure its 100% operationalisation in the Civil Secretariat and other Government offices.
“Presence of officials in offices directly impacts productivity and efficiency” Chief Secretary said and asked IT department to submit an ‘executive summary’ about the department wise number of employees and hours each employee spent in office during the month.
The AEBAS enables an employee to register attendance by simply presenting his/her biometric (finger prints). The event is authenticated online after one to one match with the bio metric attributes stored in the UIDAI data base against the employee’s Aadhaar number.
Traditionally, attendance has been managed through registers where officials mark their attendance upon arrival in office. AEBAS is expected to eliminate late arrival and early departure of employees and improve working efficiency across all Government offices in Jammu & Kashmir.