Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Dr. Pawan Kotwal today launched Jammu Municipal Corporation’s new Website and Mobile Application under the Digital India programme, Commissioner JMC Mandeep Kaur and other officers of JMC were present of the occasion .
Divisional Commissioner congratulated JMC for this e-governance initiative which would infuse transparency and help in prompt redressal of public grievances.
JMC Commissioner informed the Divisional Commissioner that the citizens can register their grievances online through the website/Mobile Application and can also upload a picture addressing the concern. The GPS/GIS based location tracking system will track the location of the complainant and will send him the details of the concerned official along with his contact no for follow up. It was also informed that a message will also be sent to the next senior official till the grievance is redressed.
With the launch of new dynamic website and Mobile application, the applicant can also file RTI applications online and will also be replied online through his registered email address. The fee for said application or in respect of all the services shall also be paid by him online through the e-payment mode. Citizens now can pay their sanitation charges, building permission fee, rent etc. online through various modes developed in association with J&K band and ICICI bank.
It was further informed that the GIS based location mapping system will facilitate the early identification of the encroachments/un-disposed garbage etc. and the same after getting removed/cleared can be viewed by the senior functionaries . This technology will also be helpful for engineers in identifying the work sites linked through the Google Maps & Google Earth.
The Commissioner also informed the Div Com regarding the collaboration with Khidmat Centres wherein a person can approach the center to make use of the online services being provided by the JMC including birth and death certificates, Trade/Rehri licenses, NOCs etc.
JMC Commissioner appealed the general public to make use of these facilities for quick redressal of their grievances.