A news item has appeared in some local dailies published from Jammu that the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission has rejected the candidature of the candidates who have acquired PhD degrees prior to coming into force of UGC Minimum Standard for Awards of MPhil/PhD degrees Regulations 2009 from a particular region.
It has further been alleged that similarly situated candidates from other regions have been allowed to participate in the selection process of Assistant Professors.
Normally, the Commission does not react/respond to baseless/unfounded reports carried by the Newspapers pertaining to it, however, since the statement has come from a former Minister and an ex legislator, therefore the Commission in its wisdom has thought to clarify that none of the candidates who has acquired Ph.D degree prior to July 2009, notwithstanding his area of domicile, has been allowed to appear in the interview.
It is further clarified that only those candidates are eligible for appointment/selection against the posts of Assistant Professor who are having PG degrees in the relevant subject/discipline and have qualified NET, SLET or SET as laid down in the Recruitment Rules governing the service.
In respect of Ph.D degree holders, the Recruitment Rules clearly mention that candidates having acquired Ph.D degrees are exempted from the requirement of qualifying NET/SLET/SET provided they have acquired such degree in accordance with UGC Regulations of 2009. It is in this background notice dated: 05.01.2016 was issued by the Commission and none of the pre June-2009, Ph.D awardees without NET/SET/SLET was called for/allowed to appear the interview.