Prime Minister narendramodi to inaugurate a milk co-operative dairy plant and other public projects in Banaskantha district of GujaratMinister Narendra Modi will inaugurate a new Amul cheese unit at Banas dairy in north Gujarat on Saturday. The new unit has been built at a cost of Rs 350 crore. He will also launch “Amul Deshi” A2 cow milk — procured from farmers selling milk from indigenous Kankrej cow breed — meant to be sold in “niche markets”.“The PM will be landing at Ahmedabad airport in the morning from where he will head to Deesa. At Deesa, he will be addressing a rally largely consisting of farmers
• Dense fog hits flight ops, movement of trains-Dense fog blankets the national capital resulting in low visibility-New Delhi: Dense fog hits air and rail traffic in Delhi and north India; The fog season is likely to last from the second week of December to the second week of February
• 101 trains delayed (arriving late in Delhi area), 18 rescheduled and 7 cancelled due to fog
• Delayed International flights at Delhi’s IGI Airport-Arrival : 5, Departure : 1; delayed domestic flights-Arrival : 3, Departure : 10.
• PoK: Kashmiris protest in Tatrinote over human rights violations by Pakistan, were baton charged and hit by tear gas shells. The protesters were then baton charged and hit by tear gas shells. Attempts were made to hush up the protests, which are often used to highlight the oppression they face under Pakistan’s occupation.
• New Delhi/Mumbai: Day 31 of Demonetisation: Cash crunch continue in Banks and at ATMs; Cash crunch is still continuing in the district even 31 days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes.Long serpentine queues before banks and ATMs has become a regular feature with customers waiting patiently for their turn, well before the opening times of the banks
• The cash crunch in many cities, including the national capital, showed no sign of easing on Friday, and with banks closed for the next three days, expect the pain to persist till Tuesday when they reopen for business. Banks are shut on Monday for Eid-e-Milad.
• Follow up -VVIP Chopper scam: Former IAF Chief SP Tyagi to be produced in court on Saturday, says CBIFormer Air Chief Marshal SP Tyagi, his cousin and an advocate, who were arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday in connection with an ongoing investigation to a case related to the alleged irregularities in the procurement of VVIPs helicopters, will be produced before a court today
• CJI likens melee in Supreme Court to fish marketIn 23 years of me as a judge, I have not seen such behaviour, CJI TS Thakur saidJustice Thakur was anguished when some of the lawyers raised their voice to interrupt the submission of Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi
• Tamil Nadu Government to hold first Cabinet meeting under new Chief Minister O Panneerselvam today.
• Following the call of PM Narendra Modi and Jharkhand CM Raghubar das Ranchi Municipal Corporation today launched its services through cashles devices. Large number of commuters including cooperators were present on the occasion and got know how of these devices.
• Delhi: 524 children dressed as Albert Einstein at a Science Festival,eye Guinness record for largest gathering of people dressed as Einstein
• Chandigarh is going to be first cashless railway station in the country, Ambala Divisional Railway Manager Dinesh Kumar announced. the Railway Ministry has decided to introduce the cashless facility for passengers, here. Those purchasing their tickets through the debit and credit cards, will get five per cent rebate. The Ministry was going to provide the facility all over the country, but Chandigarh would be the first cashless station