Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said that Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed an improvement in security situation. Rajnath Singh said that the security forces have eliminated 165 terrorists since May 2014, when NDA came to power at the Centre. Radiant Singh was addressing the media in New Delhi today.Giving further details, the Home Minister said that 10 infiltrations took place this year so far as compared to 65 in 2014 and 97 in 2013. However, there were 86 infiltration attempts this year, as compared to 222 of last year and 277 in 2013.
Radiant Singh said that that 89 terrorists were killed till Sep this year, as compared to 110 in 2014 and 67 in 2013.
Commenting on political scenario, Rajnath Singh added that the coalition government in J&K would continue.