In order to carry out urgent line work of 33 KV Janipur-Subash Nagar line emanating from 132/33 KV Grid Station, Janipur, the power supply to Shiv Nagar area, Subash Nagar area, Government Quarters and adjoining areas shall remain affected on February 10 from 11 am to 5 pm.
Similarly, in order to carry out urgent 33 KV line work along Ranbir Canal of 11 KV Feeder M-2 emanating from 33/11 KV Receiving Station, Medical, the power supply to Shakti nagar, Rajpura, Shiv Nagar and part of Gurah and Bakshi Nagar shall remain affected on February 10 from 11 am to 5 pm.
Meanwhile, in order to carry out urgent 33 KV line work along Ranbir Canal of 11 KV Feeders C-19 and C-22 emanating from 33/11 KV Receiving Station, Canal, the power supply to Krishna Nagar, Kailash Nagar, DBN School, ITI, Science College, Commerce College, Dogra Mohalla, Lajpat Nagar, PHE, CID Office, AG’s Office, Guest House, Patel Nagar, Mohinder Nagar and adjoining areas shall remain affected on February 10 from 11 am to 5 pm.
The shutdowns are subject to fair weather conditions.